Irfan's Blog
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Change SQL Server 2008 R2 from partition count from 1000 to 15000
Thursday, October 11, 2012
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 2005/2008/2012 Auto Recovery Files
I was wondering if I need to rewrite the script. but thought of sniffing temp folders to try my luck. A windows search of "*.sql" pointed me to some temp files in folder "C:\Users\
That's it, SSMS keeps unsaved scripts in this folder by default. You can disable this feature if you would like.
There is no direct option to enable/disable Auto Recover settings in 2005/2008. If you are too keen you can do so by tweaking registry setting, here are the steps:
-- SSMS 2005/2008
- Open registry editor (type regedit in windows run)
- For SSMS 2005, Go to the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Shell\General\AutoRecover
- For SSMS 2008, Go to the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Shell\General\AutoRecover
- Change DWORD "AutoRecover Enabled" to 1 for Enabling and 0 for Disabling Auto Recovery
-- SSMS 2012
There is a better way to change this setting in SSMS 2012
- Open SSMS 2012 and click on Tools >> Options
- In Options dialog box click on Environment >> AutoRecover
- Check/Uncheck "Save AutoRecover information every" checkbox to enable or disable Auto Recovery
- You can modify the Auto Save interval between 1 to 60 minutes
- There is an setting for the number of days Auto Recover information can be persisted.
It is possible to modify registry setting for SSMS 2012 as well. The location of this registry key has changed to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\11.0\General\AutoRecover
Monday, October 1, 2012
How To Retrieve SQL Server Database Table Size
name | rows | reseved | data | index_size | unused |
DatabaseLog | 1591 | 6672 KB | 6528 KB | 72 KB | 72 KB |
spt_values | 2506 | 336 KB | 152 KB | 152 KB | 32 KB |
spt_monitor | 1 | 16 KB | 8 KB | 8 KB | 0 KB |
MSreplication_options | 3 | 16 KB | 8 KB | 8 KB | 0 KB |
ProductCostHistory | 0 | 0 KB | 0 KB | 0 KB | 0 KB |
ProductDescription | 0 | 0 KB | 0 KB | 0 KB | 0 KB |
ShoppingCartItem | 0 | 0 KB | 0 KB | 0 KB | 0 KB |
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Circular Queue of Integers Using a Simple Array
Start Index = 0
End Index = 5
No of Elements = 6
Start Index = 2
End Index = 5
No of Elements = 4
After enqueing 3 elements
Start Index = 2
End Index = 0
No of Elements = 7
public class CircularQueue
// Variable Declaration
private int _noofElements = 0;
private int _queueStart = 0;
private int[] _queueArray;
private object _lock;
public int Length
return _noofElements;
//Function to get Next Index in circular array
public int NextIndex()
int extendedSize = _queueStart + _noofElements;
// Restart new index from start of array if end of array is reached
return extendedSize >= _queueArray.Length ? extendedSize - _queueArray.Length : extendedSize;
//Function to Initialize Queue Array and Reset Variables
public void Initialize(int Size)
// Initialize Circular Queue Array
_queueArray = new int[Size];
_queueStart = 0;
_noofElements = 0;
public void Enqueue(int NewMember)
if(_queueArray.Length == _noofElements)
throw new Exception("Queue is Full");
// Set member at new circular index
_queueArray[NextIndex()] = NewMember;
_noofElements++; // Increment element counter
public int Dequeue()
if(_noofElements == 0)
throw new Exception("Queue is Empty");
int temp = _queueArray[_queueStart]; // Store position value in temp variable
_queueArray[_queueStart] = 0; // Reset position value
_queueStart = (_queueStart == _queueArray.Length - 1) ? 0 : _queueStart + 1; // Get new start position
_noofElements--; // Decrement element counter
return temp;
public void Print()
foreach(int i in _queueArray)
Console.Write("{0:D2} | ", i);
Friday, May 25, 2012
Algorithm Problem : Sort an Array of Three Color Balls
No, consider all balls to have equal weightage.
Yes, Red followed by Green and then Blue
if (ctrRed < ctrBlue)
if (InputArray[i] == 'R')
Swap(ref InputArray[i], ref InputArray[ctrRed++]);
Swap(ref InputArray[i], ref InputArray[ctrBlue--]);
InputA = InputB;
InputB = temp;
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 -- Multi Currency Feature -- Transaction Currency
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 is a multicurrency system, in which each record can be associated with its own currency. This currency is called the transaction currency. The multicurrency features enable users to perform financial transactions like opportunities, quotes, orders, and invoices in multiple currencies. This feature also provides a currency choice to the end user when a financial transaction occurs.
Multiple records in different transaction currencies can be aggregated, compared, or analyzed with regard to a single currency, by using an exchange rate. This is known as the base currency. You first define a base currency for the organization and then define exchange rates to associate the base currency with transaction currencies. The base currency is the currency in which other currencies are quoted. The exchange rate is the value of a transaction currency equal to one base currency.
By using the transaction currency properties you can do the following:
- Select the currency in which you want to define and transact opportunities, quotes, orders, and invoices.
- Define currency exchange rates in relation to the base currency.
- Define transaction currencies and define an exchange rate to associate the base currency with the transaction currency.
- Capture the value of the transaction in the base currency and the transaction currency in all financial transactions.
- Define product pricelists for each currency.
To use multiple currencies, the base currency must be defined for an organization during server installation and organization setup. After the base currency is set for an organization during server installation, it cannot be changed. This value is stored in the organization.basecurrencyid property.
Transaction currencies are defined as a part of the system settings. There can be unlimited transaction currencies defined. Transaction currencies are related to the base currency with the definition of a currency exchange rate.
After the definition of base and transaction currencies, the pricelists must be defined for a currency. An organization can have multiple pricelists, which are also typically defined for a target geographical market in the local currency.
All entities that are involved in financial transactions support transaction currency. The currency is typically inherited from the account, opportunity, and so on, but can be changed as needed.
All money properties in an entity instance share the same transaction currency. For example, see the account.creditlimit property. For each money property in an entity, the system automatically creates a corresponding read-only, system calculated, money property that is called the "base". This is a money property that stores the value of the corresponding property in a base currency equivalent. For example, see the account.creditlimit_base property.
The following formula is used to calculate the base value.
creditlimit_base = creditlimit / exchangerate
Visit MSDN for more details.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
SQL Server : Command to Reset Identity Column of a table
DBCC CHECKIDENT(strTableName, RESEED, intSeed)
where strTableName is the Name of the table for identity reset, intSeed is the Seed from which Identity should start now.
e.g. DBCC CHECKIDENT('tblUserDetails', RESEED, 10)
will reseed the Identity column in tblUserDetails table, now the new entry will have its Identity column value as 11.
Irfan Sheikh